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巨屌 招聘 | 深圳大学2022年面向群众招聘西宾公告 - 黄色日本
巨屌 招聘 | 深圳大学2022年面向群众招聘西宾公告
发布日期:2024-11-05 13:57    点击次数:132













2. 受聘深圳大学“鹏城孔雀规划”特聘岗亭者,可享受相应的岗亭奖励。












2.报名式样:登录深圳大学东谈主才招聘平台(网址:https://zp.szu.edu.cn/ ,建议使用360极速浏览器或谷歌浏览器),使用邮箱注册账号,收到激活邮件并激活,登录系统后在招聘岗亭页面不错稽察统共灵通的岗亭注视信息,选中我方拟聘的岗亭,点击“央求岗亭”,然后完善我方的简历信息并提交。每位应聘者最多不错央求三个岗亭。具体报名式样请参看《教职工招聘系统操作手册(应聘者)》(附件2)。









(5)有职称的需提供专科技艺履历文凭; 巨屌









Shenzhen University plans to recruit faculty members in 2022. The first round of recruitment will be open until December 5, 2021, and the positions not yet filled will be open in the second round. The relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:

I. Positions and Benefits

Interested parties are invited to refer to the Shenzhen University Faculty Recruitment Plan 2022 for current openings (see Attachment 1, hereinafter referred to as the “Plan”).

Teachers recruited this year will be subject to the tenure track, and some positions will be subject to the management system of full-time academic faculty. Applicants should be under 35 years old. The age requirements will be appropriately relaxed for urgently-needed talents and applicants with particularly outstanding qualifications. Qualified candidates may be considered for appointment as Associate Professor or Full Professor.

Remuneration for tenure-track faculty is as follows:

1. Successful candidates will enjoy a competitive annual salary and research start-up funds based on their experience and performance. Particularly excellent candidates can join the SZU talent program and enjoy corresponding remuneration according to the University’s policies.

2.Successful candidates of specially appointed positions in the “Pengcheng Peacock Project” of Shenzhen University will enjoy position-related benefits.

3. Housing policy: Successful candidates can apply for renting University-owned apartments on campus with a preferential rent. Candidates who meet the requirements can enjoy Shenzhen’s talent housing policy according to the final announcement of the Shenzhen government.

4. Education support: The SZU Affiliated Education Group has three kindergartens, four primary schools and four secondary schools,providing high-quality education services for the children of faculty and staff.

5. Health care: SZU has two affiliated hospitals directly under the University: SZU General Hospital and SZU Huanan Hospital, both of which are First-Class Hospital at Grade III, providing quality medical services for faculty and staff.

6.Other benefits: A special fund for sports is provided, and sports facilities on campus are free of charge. Faculty and staff will also enjoy the annual health checkup and meal subsidies.

II. Qualifications and requirements

1. Applicants should have the qualifications stipulated in this announcement and the Plan.

2. Applicants should have an academic background in related disciplines as specified in the Plan and have obtained the level of education in the required major as stipulated in the Plan.

3. Only the age and work experience up to the date of December 31, 2021 will be considered for the application.

4.Postdoctoral and full-time researchers from SZU are preferred if the candidate is of the same level.

III. Registration time and instructions

1. Applications are open till December 5, 2021.

2. Applicants should use the e-Recruitment system of Shenzhen University at https://zp.szu.edu.cn/ for application submission (it is recommended to use 360 browser speed mode or Google browser). The steps are as follows:

Ø Create a user account with your email. You will receive a system-generated email after your registration. Click the activation link in the email to activate your account.

Ø Click “Apply” for the position that you wish to apply and create your profile.

Ø Click “Submit”to complete the application.

Each applicant can apply for up to three positions. Applicants can refer to Faculty and Staff Recruitment System User Instruction Manual (Attachment 2) for further information on the online application procedures.

Foreign applicants can send their C.V., positions that they wish to apply, and contact information to the Human Resources Department at szuhr@szu.edu.cn.

IV. Interview

The interview panel of each unit will comprehensively review the applicant’s academic background, work experience, academic achievements and development potential to shortlist candidates for interview. After the shortlisted candidate list is reviewed and approved by the SZU faculty personnel committee, each unit will organize the interview. The interview will examine candidates’ overall qualities including academic level, research ability and teaching ability. Each unit will notify the candidates of their interview date/time/location. Candidates can view contact information for each unit in the e-Recruitment system.

Applicants should submit the following documents for review at the interview:

(1) C.V.

(2) ID card (original copy for verification and one copy for submission).

(3) Academic and degree certificates (original copy for verification and one copy for submission. Domestic graduates who have not yet obtained the diploma should provide the recommendation form, the original transcript and the original copy of the academic and degree certificates of the last obtained degree. Applicants from the overseas should provide certificates certified by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. Applicants who have not yet obtained the certification should provide documents including the transcript, a certificate specifying his/her academic status and graduation time issued by the applicant’s institutions).

(4) Proof of performance materials in teaching and research in the past five years (including but not limited to programs, patents, articles, works, awards, technology transfer and transformation of technological achievements).

(5) Professional and technical qualification certificates if any.

(6) Other supporting documents to the position.

(7) Documents on other awards and work experience (optional).

V. Recruitment results and announcement

Each unit submits a list of qualified candidates to the University after the interview. The faculty personnel committee will deliberate and determine the candidates to be hired. After the approval from the University, the successful candidates will be announced on the University’s recruitment website for comments for 7 days.

VI. Employment

If no complaints about the successful candidates are received or the complaints are unfounded or do not affect the employment after verification, the employment procedures will be completed within one year after the announcement. Candidates who fail to report to the University on time will be deemed as a waiver of the employment and will not be accepted.

For inquiries, please contact the human resources department via telephone at 0755-26534449.






Shenzhen University Faculty Recruitment Plan 2022

Faculty and Staff Recruitment System User Instruction Manual

(Please click word to download the attachments)

着手| 深圳大学东谈主力资源部

剪辑 | 李蔓铃 校对 | 杨渝嘉

审核 | 王志明 责编 | 王婷婷








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